Project MOCAT MOCAT MOCAT - modern online courses for Academic Teachers


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We wish to improve the quality of education at universities through the development of competences of academic teachers in modern way




The reason for the project:
To improve the quality of education at universities through the development of competences of academic staff in the field of modern teaching methodology.

Common problems:
Lack of knowledge and skills Psychological and mental barriers Insufficient support from University


Target groups

Academic teachers from Universities all over the world,
in particular those who:
 - teach in English, in intercultural groups,  
 - without pedagogical or  methodological preparation


Project outcomes


The Multicultural Model of an  Academic Teacher Competences

Online Courses

10 Online courses  -  modern training materials in the field of teaching methodology

Project Aim

International cooperation of 8 universities
in development The Multicultural Model of an  Academic Teacher Competences,
and in preparation of 10 online courses  -
training materials, whose use will  drive methodological, teaching, and multicultural competencies
of academic teachers


Acronim:  MOCAT
Title of the Project: Modern competences of academic teachers - the key to modern HEI
Project No: PPI/APM/2018/1/00030/U/001
Programme: International Academic Partnership Programme - APM
Funding Institution: The Polish National Agency For Academic Exchange – NAWA
Project duration: from 1.01.2019 to 31.10.2020